Monday 7 December 2009

In my absence!!!!!!

Although I am in school today, I will sadly not be in attendance to your lesson. I might not be 'in' but I believe you have plenty of work to carry on with!!! If your thinking "what work have I got to do?", check the posting below..........

Remember I know all, like a Jedi Knight, so be warned if I sense your not working!! Let the force be with you........

Tuesday 1 December 2009

As Major Project

So.... a week later and you should have an idea of the project you will be doing!!!! (we hope!)


The first deadline is your first Thursday lesson after the Christmas holidays (7th January 2010). For this hand in me and Mr Simmons need to see the following sheets in your e portfolio;
  • Hyperlinked Contents Page
  • Analysing the situation (This should be your Situation, which is the 'background' information for you product, and your Design Brief)
  • Moodboard
  • Timeplan
  • Research Plan
  • Existing Products
  • User Data collated and analysed (this might come in the form of an interview with your client, emails which you have sent to your client or surveys you have carried out. The information you collect then needs to analysed)
  • Environment Research
  • Primary Materials
  • Research Analysis

Sorry to say it but you haven't got an awful lot of time to complete it all. Including the 2 week Christmas Holiday you have just over 5 weeks!!!!

Keep strong gang, Mr T