Monday 11 October 2010

Today's learning objectives:

To continue with your packaging!!!

Today's PLTS:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You should be cracking on with your packaging designs for your chocolate. Remember that you now only have 3 weeks left to design what the packaging looks like create a poster, create the piece of packaging and post your sketches of the blog!!

You may want to think about the following issues:

  • Are you going to redesign the logo?
  • Are you going to reconsider the colour schemes of the brand?
  • Are you going to rename the company?
  • What needs to go onto a piece of Food Packaging (bar code, ingredients, etc, etc)?
  • What is your packaging going to look like? (I suggest looking at the packaging books available in class!!)
  • Have you found an appropriate net yet?
  • If so, have you tested it by making a model?
  • Have you drawn the net on Pro Desktop so that you can cut it out on the laser cutter?
  • Are you using Fireworks/Photoshop to create your design?
  • Have you created your packaging design on the computer so that it can be printed out on A3 card?

If you are not that confident in Fireworks or Photoshop then you could complete your designs using a traditional method, such as drawing!!!

I would also suggest checking out Charley Millards and George Mattocks blogs (they can be found via my blog!!) to have a look at what they did with regards to portfolio pages for the Product Identity project.

Catch you round.

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