Monday 17 January 2011

I am back


Welcome to our first lesson of 2011!! Really looking forward to helping you all with your projects this year and can't wait to get going today.

Today is all about DRAWING. We are going to start our initial ideas and that is what I want you spend all of today on. Your deadline for the specification and the initial ideas is the 27th January (the end of Mrs Knights lesson next week)!!!

So, the PLTS involved in today's lesson are:

Self Manager: How are you going to spend today's lesson? Is 100% of your time going to be spent on initial ideas or are you going to balance them with completing your specification?

Creative Thinker: The initial ideas part of your project is your chance to show the examiner your 'creative' side. Have fun with you ideas and remember that it does not matter whether your idea is achievable.

Enjoy, this is one of the best parts of the project (in my opinion).

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Tuesday 11th Jan


Really sorry I’m not in today.

Your tasks are nice and easy today. First of all you need to complete your specification page for your portfolio. Mrs Knight sent you all an information page about what to put into your specification last lesson, so use that as your template. Your specification needs to be complete by Thursday’s lesson so that you can mark it with Mrs Knight.

If this is complete then I’d use your time wisely to complete any unfinished work in your parts your research section.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Thought I would spread some Christmas cheer. Please feel free to comment on my choices for the topics below;

Top Christmas Song: Highly unoriginal but The Pogues and Kirsty McCall win it hands down with Fairytale of New York

Top Christmas Film: Elf and Santa Claus (starring Dudley Moore from 1985, check it over the hols)

Top Read: Only one for me= The Christmas Edition of the Radio Times!!

Best Day/Night of the holiday: Boxing Day (Sport, left over turkey, what more could you want??)

Worst Day/Night of the holiday: New Years Eve= Massive Farce

Merry Christmas.....

Merry Christmas!!!

Well 10 days left until the big man comes to visit and you still have loads of work to do!!!!

Your main objective is to continue with the research section of your portfolio. Set yourself a target on the white board for today's lesson. I will be coming around to look at your portfolios during the lesson as well doing some subject mentoring with you. Remember that the deadline for the research section is the first lesson back after Christmas!!!

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio

Your main objective is to continue with the research section of your portfolio. Set yourself a target on the white board for today's lesson. I will be coming around to look at your portfolios during the lesson as well doing some subject mentoring with you.

Remember that the deadline for the research section is the first lesson back after Christmas!!!

Monday 29 November 2010

' I don't care how many mens you got'


Six lessons left until the holidays and you are behind!!! You should all have a project and be well into the the research aspect it.

Just to make you aware, the first deadline (on which you have to hand in your Situation/Brief, Moodboard, Timplan, Research Plan, Existing Products, User data collected and analysed, Environment research, Primary Materials and the Research Analysis) is THE FIRST LESSON AFTER CHRISTMAS!!!.

There will be no theory today as me and Mrs Knight are concerned about your lack of progress. You need to be carrying on with your project work today at which ever stage you are on. Please set yourself a target on the white board.

Use the exemplar work under the A Level folder on my teacher resources to be inspired!!

I need to speak to Adam, Becky and Peter first of all today as you are the ones who we are most concerned about with regards to your lack of a project.

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio.


Monday 22 November 2010

Laaaadddaaaannn Town

Hey guys.

Majority of the class are in London with me this week. Please make sure that you register with Mr Simmons.

You have two major tasks for my lesson this week. The first is to complete your 'Metal Processes' sheets that I gave you last week (if you need a new one they are over by the scanner in the Design Centre). Please practice sketching and make notes on the processes. Use your theory books and the 'Manufacturing Processes for the Design Professional' books on the book shelves in the Design Centre to aid your learning.

The second task is to continue with your major project. Use the exemplar projects in my Teacher Resources to complete the first couple of pages in your portfolio. The exemplar projects can be found in the 'A Level' folder and you should be looking to complete the Research Plan, Mind Map, Brief and you can even start looking at some existing products.

Enjoy the lesson and think of us freezing on HMS Belfast.

Mr T