Monday 22 November 2010

Laaaadddaaaannn Town

Hey guys.

Majority of the class are in London with me this week. Please make sure that you register with Mr Simmons.

You have two major tasks for my lesson this week. The first is to complete your 'Metal Processes' sheets that I gave you last week (if you need a new one they are over by the scanner in the Design Centre). Please practice sketching and make notes on the processes. Use your theory books and the 'Manufacturing Processes for the Design Professional' books on the book shelves in the Design Centre to aid your learning.

The second task is to continue with your major project. Use the exemplar projects in my Teacher Resources to complete the first couple of pages in your portfolio. The exemplar projects can be found in the 'A Level' folder and you should be looking to complete the Research Plan, Mind Map, Brief and you can even start looking at some existing products.

Enjoy the lesson and think of us freezing on HMS Belfast.

Mr T

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