Monday 29 November 2010

' I don't care how many mens you got'


Six lessons left until the holidays and you are behind!!! You should all have a project and be well into the the research aspect it.

Just to make you aware, the first deadline (on which you have to hand in your Situation/Brief, Moodboard, Timplan, Research Plan, Existing Products, User data collected and analysed, Environment research, Primary Materials and the Research Analysis) is THE FIRST LESSON AFTER CHRISTMAS!!!.

There will be no theory today as me and Mrs Knight are concerned about your lack of progress. You need to be carrying on with your project work today at which ever stage you are on. Please set yourself a target on the white board.

Use the exemplar work under the A Level folder on my teacher resources to be inspired!!

I need to speak to Adam, Becky and Peter first of all today as you are the ones who we are most concerned about with regards to your lack of a project.

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio.


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