Monday 29 November 2010

' I don't care how many mens you got'


Six lessons left until the holidays and you are behind!!! You should all have a project and be well into the the research aspect it.

Just to make you aware, the first deadline (on which you have to hand in your Situation/Brief, Moodboard, Timplan, Research Plan, Existing Products, User data collected and analysed, Environment research, Primary Materials and the Research Analysis) is THE FIRST LESSON AFTER CHRISTMAS!!!.

There will be no theory today as me and Mrs Knight are concerned about your lack of progress. You need to be carrying on with your project work today at which ever stage you are on. Please set yourself a target on the white board.

Use the exemplar work under the A Level folder on my teacher resources to be inspired!!

I need to speak to Adam, Becky and Peter first of all today as you are the ones who we are most concerned about with regards to your lack of a project.

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio.


Monday 22 November 2010

Laaaadddaaaannn Town

Hey guys.

Majority of the class are in London with me this week. Please make sure that you register with Mr Simmons.

You have two major tasks for my lesson this week. The first is to complete your 'Metal Processes' sheets that I gave you last week (if you need a new one they are over by the scanner in the Design Centre). Please practice sketching and make notes on the processes. Use your theory books and the 'Manufacturing Processes for the Design Professional' books on the book shelves in the Design Centre to aid your learning.

The second task is to continue with your major project. Use the exemplar projects in my Teacher Resources to complete the first couple of pages in your portfolio. The exemplar projects can be found in the 'A Level' folder and you should be looking to complete the Research Plan, Mind Map, Brief and you can even start looking at some existing products.

Enjoy the lesson and think of us freezing on HMS Belfast.

Mr T

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Big Ideas and Metal

Today's learning objectives:

To continue with your understanding of Metals

To discuss your major projects and begin to plan your research

Today's PLTS:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You are going to have a single period of metal theory and then we will discuss your ideas for your major projects.

The metal theory will be a recap of what I asked you to read during the last theory lesson (pages 29 to 33). I will then be setting you the task of going away and looking at the different metal processes that are used to form and shape metal. You will need to do this ready for my lesson next week. I will leave it up to you to research and find out about these processes (I would suggest looking in your As Level theory book!!!). REMEMBER= the exam in May/June will be about the first three chapters in that book so you should be reading them as often as possible!!

You should have brought a few ideas for your major project to the lesson today. I will be asking you to explain them to me and we can discuss where to go next with your ideas. Remember that it is essential to have a real client!!!

Once you have proposed your idea and I have given it the OK, then you can start producing your master slide, a research plan and a mind map showing the ideas that you have thought of.

Hope you enjoy the lesson.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

8 Lessons Left


There are now 8 lessons left for you to complete the packaging project. It has to be submitted by the end of Mrs Knights lesson on Thursday.

Today's learning objectives:
  • To continue with your packaging
  • To begin to design your poster

Today's PLTS:

  • Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward
  • Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You should be continuing with your packaging designs for your chocolate packaging. Remember that you now only have eight lessons left to print out your design, cut out the net and post your sketches onto your blog.

If you need to print out your work then you will need to send it to Mr Simmons across the way and he will print it out. If this is complete then you could be scanning your sketches and posting them on your blog.

Once this is complete then continue with the design of your poster.


Tuesday 2 November 2010

Today's Lesson 2nd November 2010

Today's learning objectives:

To continue with your packaging
To begin to design your poster

Today's PLTS:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You should be getting on with your packaging designs for your chocolate packaging. Remember that you now only have one week left to design what the packaging looks like, print out your design, cut the net into that printed piece of work and post your sketches onto your blog.
During today’s lesson you should be completing the design for your packaging. This should be completed and be ready to print out in Mrs Knights lesson (this is because I can’t connect to the printers!!).

If this is complete you could be scanning your sketches and posting them on your blog. If this is done then you need to start concentrating on your poster designs. I would suggest sketching the layout first and then look to put it into Fireworks/ Photoshop.


News Update

I had a brilliant Holiday. I spent two weeks in Doha, Qatar, which is in the middle east. During the holiday I also went to Dubai. Dubai is like a huge Disneyland but for adults. It was a quality.

The temperature didn't drop below 34 degrees during any of the days and the hottest it got to was 42!!! Doha was also amazing and I went to water parks, watched the LTA Tennis finals, watched Doha rugby club play, visited a school, laid by the pool, laid by the beach and read a book (Howard Marks Autobiography)!!

Oh, I also got engaged whilst there!!!