Monday 6 September 2010

I should of never have purchased...

The I Phone 4!!! I love many things about the I Phone 4, it is easy to use, has great apps, a fantastic camera, great video quality and all round great functionality. Whereas, most of your articles will be complaining about how rubbish something works (function) in comparison to how good it looks (form), I am going to break the mould and complain about the form over the function. As previously stated, I love the functionality of the new I Phone. However , I do prefer, and by some distance, the form of the I Phone 3GS. I just think it feels a lot nicer than the newer 4. Its ‘curved’ back sits in your hand a lot easier than the square shape of the latest version and is a lot more ergonomically friendly. The square shape of the new phone can be awkward to grip and texting can be an issue.

I wouldn’t be without my I Phone 4 and the title of “I should of never have purchased...” is probably a little bit strong, but the fact of the matter is that I’m not happy with form of my new phone and prefer the shape of the older version. Unfortunately, we can’t always have what we want, how we like it, so I’ll have to put up and shut up.

Rant over.

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