Monday 6 September 2010

Welcome, Welcome

Morning one and all. I am very pleased to welcome you to my Blog. I will be using this blog extensively during your time studying A Level Product Design. I will be posting what you should be achieving in my lessons, any cover work if I'm not in and boring things such as marking criteria’s etc, etc.

So your first task in Year 12 was to write a 250 word article on a product that you had wished you had never brought. The assignment is described in more detail below:

Assignment One

I should never have purchased!

You are required to write a 250 word article that explains your frustration towards a product that you wish you had never purchased.

Your article can be based on any product you wish. However there needs to be a focus on FORM V’s FUNCTION.

You are required to post your article on your personal blog.


10 marks awarded for quality of presentation of your Blog.
30 marks awarded for the quality of the article.
10 marks awarded for the quality of written communication.

I will then mark this via your blog by adding comments to your postings. This task needs to be finished by the end of tomorrow's lesson (7th September 2010).


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