Tuesday 14 September 2010

Lesson Objectives

  • To continue with the design of your chairs
  • To begin to understand how to use Pro Desktop!!
  • To draw up your ideas in separate component pieces
  • To understand about woods

PLTS in today's lesson:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You will begin the lesson by showing your partners your initial ideas. I want you to discuss your ideas with one another and give your partner 3 improvement points about their initial ideas. Remember to try and be critical, whilst being positive!!!

I will then go through an introduction into Pro Desktop!! We will use some basic beginner exercises for those of you who can't use the program and those of you who are a little better at it can even begin to draw up your ideas. Those of you who have an idea of how to use the program please make every effort to help those who may not be so good at it.

At some point during the lesson we will also be having a theory lesson with Mr Simmons. The lesson will be about wood.

That's all for now folks,

Mr Thomas

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