Monday 20 September 2010

Lesson Objectives

  • To continue with the design of your chairs
  • To begin to understand how to use Pro Desktop and in particular the process of 'assembling' a drawing
  • To understand how the laser cutter works!!!

PLTS in today's lesson:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You will begin the lesson by showing me the progress you have made on Pro Desktop so far. Although you are working as a team, you really should be both drawing your chair in Pro Desktop. This is to allow you both to get use to the crazy world of Pro Desktop and to understand how to use the laser cutter.

I will then go through how you can 'assemble' your chair. This is quite a complicated process, but an essential one never the less. Following this I will take you through the process of saving your components as a DXF file in order to cut it out on a laser cutter.

You will also be given a tutorial on how to use the laser cutter. You will need a paper and pen for this as you will need to write down the process. By the end of the project you should be able to use the laser cutter by yourself!!! Once you have recieved the tutorial on the laser cutter, you will be free to use it when you like (as long as there is a teacher in the room!!).

Me and Mrs Knight want to see at least four models of your chair. Each one should have a slight development and the final model should be like the one you will make out of plastic.

Any questions please ask!!!

In the famous words of Usher: Peace Out, A Town Down.

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