Tuesday 14 December 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Thought I would spread some Christmas cheer. Please feel free to comment on my choices for the topics below;

Top Christmas Song: Highly unoriginal but The Pogues and Kirsty McCall win it hands down with Fairytale of New York

Top Christmas Film: Elf and Santa Claus (starring Dudley Moore from 1985, check it over the hols)

Top Read: Only one for me= The Christmas Edition of the Radio Times!!

Best Day/Night of the holiday: Boxing Day (Sport, left over turkey, what more could you want??)

Worst Day/Night of the holiday: New Years Eve= Massive Farce

Merry Christmas.....

Merry Christmas!!!

Well 10 days left until the big man comes to visit and you still have loads of work to do!!!!

Your main objective is to continue with the research section of your portfolio. Set yourself a target on the white board for today's lesson. I will be coming around to look at your portfolios during the lesson as well doing some subject mentoring with you. Remember that the deadline for the research section is the first lesson back after Christmas!!!

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio

Your main objective is to continue with the research section of your portfolio. Set yourself a target on the white board for today's lesson. I will be coming around to look at your portfolios during the lesson as well doing some subject mentoring with you.

Remember that the deadline for the research section is the first lesson back after Christmas!!!

Monday 29 November 2010

' I don't care how many mens you got'


Six lessons left until the holidays and you are behind!!! You should all have a project and be well into the the research aspect it.

Just to make you aware, the first deadline (on which you have to hand in your Situation/Brief, Moodboard, Timplan, Research Plan, Existing Products, User data collected and analysed, Environment research, Primary Materials and the Research Analysis) is THE FIRST LESSON AFTER CHRISTMAS!!!.

There will be no theory today as me and Mrs Knight are concerned about your lack of progress. You need to be carrying on with your project work today at which ever stage you are on. Please set yourself a target on the white board.

Use the exemplar work under the A Level folder on my teacher resources to be inspired!!

I need to speak to Adam, Becky and Peter first of all today as you are the ones who we are most concerned about with regards to your lack of a project.

PLTS in today's lesson:

Team Worker: Use other people in the class to get an opinion on what they think about your work.

Self Manager: You are managing your time to complete the work you need to in your portfolio.


Monday 22 November 2010

Laaaadddaaaannn Town

Hey guys.

Majority of the class are in London with me this week. Please make sure that you register with Mr Simmons.

You have two major tasks for my lesson this week. The first is to complete your 'Metal Processes' sheets that I gave you last week (if you need a new one they are over by the scanner in the Design Centre). Please practice sketching and make notes on the processes. Use your theory books and the 'Manufacturing Processes for the Design Professional' books on the book shelves in the Design Centre to aid your learning.

The second task is to continue with your major project. Use the exemplar projects in my Teacher Resources to complete the first couple of pages in your portfolio. The exemplar projects can be found in the 'A Level' folder and you should be looking to complete the Research Plan, Mind Map, Brief and you can even start looking at some existing products.

Enjoy the lesson and think of us freezing on HMS Belfast.

Mr T

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Big Ideas and Metal

Today's learning objectives:

To continue with your understanding of Metals

To discuss your major projects and begin to plan your research

Today's PLTS:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You are going to have a single period of metal theory and then we will discuss your ideas for your major projects.

The metal theory will be a recap of what I asked you to read during the last theory lesson (pages 29 to 33). I will then be setting you the task of going away and looking at the different metal processes that are used to form and shape metal. You will need to do this ready for my lesson next week. I will leave it up to you to research and find out about these processes (I would suggest looking in your As Level theory book!!!). REMEMBER= the exam in May/June will be about the first three chapters in that book so you should be reading them as often as possible!!

You should have brought a few ideas for your major project to the lesson today. I will be asking you to explain them to me and we can discuss where to go next with your ideas. Remember that it is essential to have a real client!!!

Once you have proposed your idea and I have given it the OK, then you can start producing your master slide, a research plan and a mind map showing the ideas that you have thought of.

Hope you enjoy the lesson.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

8 Lessons Left


There are now 8 lessons left for you to complete the packaging project. It has to be submitted by the end of Mrs Knights lesson on Thursday.

Today's learning objectives:
  • To continue with your packaging
  • To begin to design your poster

Today's PLTS:

  • Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward
  • Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You should be continuing with your packaging designs for your chocolate packaging. Remember that you now only have eight lessons left to print out your design, cut out the net and post your sketches onto your blog.

If you need to print out your work then you will need to send it to Mr Simmons across the way and he will print it out. If this is complete then you could be scanning your sketches and posting them on your blog.

Once this is complete then continue with the design of your poster.


Tuesday 2 November 2010

Today's Lesson 2nd November 2010

Today's learning objectives:

To continue with your packaging
To begin to design your poster

Today's PLTS:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You should be getting on with your packaging designs for your chocolate packaging. Remember that you now only have one week left to design what the packaging looks like, print out your design, cut the net into that printed piece of work and post your sketches onto your blog.
During today’s lesson you should be completing the design for your packaging. This should be completed and be ready to print out in Mrs Knights lesson (this is because I can’t connect to the printers!!).

If this is complete you could be scanning your sketches and posting them on your blog. If this is done then you need to start concentrating on your poster designs. I would suggest sketching the layout first and then look to put it into Fireworks/ Photoshop.


News Update

I had a brilliant Holiday. I spent two weeks in Doha, Qatar, which is in the middle east. During the holiday I also went to Dubai. Dubai is like a huge Disneyland but for adults. It was a quality.

The temperature didn't drop below 34 degrees during any of the days and the hottest it got to was 42!!! Doha was also amazing and I went to water parks, watched the LTA Tennis finals, watched Doha rugby club play, visited a school, laid by the pool, laid by the beach and read a book (Howard Marks Autobiography)!!

Oh, I also got engaged whilst there!!!

Monday 11 October 2010

Today's learning objectives:

To continue with your packaging!!!

Today's PLTS:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You should be cracking on with your packaging designs for your chocolate. Remember that you now only have 3 weeks left to design what the packaging looks like create a poster, create the piece of packaging and post your sketches of the blog!!

You may want to think about the following issues:

  • Are you going to redesign the logo?
  • Are you going to reconsider the colour schemes of the brand?
  • Are you going to rename the company?
  • What needs to go onto a piece of Food Packaging (bar code, ingredients, etc, etc)?
  • What is your packaging going to look like? (I suggest looking at the packaging books available in class!!)
  • Have you found an appropriate net yet?
  • If so, have you tested it by making a model?
  • Have you drawn the net on Pro Desktop so that you can cut it out on the laser cutter?
  • Are you using Fireworks/Photoshop to create your design?
  • Have you created your packaging design on the computer so that it can be printed out on A3 card?

If you are not that confident in Fireworks or Photoshop then you could complete your designs using a traditional method, such as drawing!!!

I would also suggest checking out Charley Millards and George Mattocks blogs (they can be found via my blog!!) to have a look at what they did with regards to portfolio pages for the Product Identity project.

Catch you round.

Monday 4 October 2010


Packaging is a huge industry. Almost all of the products we use come in some sort of packaging. These items might be something simple and small like an apple or something complicated and large like a wide screen T.V. Packaging can have a huge impact on how well an item sells and every consideration is put into how a piece of packaging looks.

There is however a need to reduce the amount of packaging we use. The most annoying waste of packaging I can think of is when apples (normally 4 of them and of a *Finest variety) in supermarkets are placed in a polystyrene base and then shrink wrapped in plastic.

To be fair, most companies have made a conscious effort to reduce the amount of packaging they use.

The picture above gives some examples of companies who have tried to reduce the amount of packaging they use and the drastic benifits this has had for the environment.

Clockwise from top-left:

1) Coca-Cola 8-ounce bottle: A smaller and lighter bottle (while retaining the same capacity), resulting in reduction in materials used: savings on the material as well as transport costs.

2) Arrowhead Mineral Water bottle: Nestle redesigned the bottle and cap to make it lighter and more recyclable, while narrowing the label by half an inch. This result in a 30% reduction in plastics used (while featuring the extra recess as handle), and less paper for the label.

3) Big Mac packaging: This is a familiar one - The Styrofoam clam shell burger packaging's were switched to the current paper-based ones, making them biodegradable.

4) Crest Toothpaste: P&G introduced a standalone rigid tube for Crest toothpaste, so that there wouldn’t be a need for individual paper-based boxes that most toothpastes now still come in.


Theory and New Projects

Hey, hey.

Due to the reduction of time today, we are going to postpone the presentations until Mrs Knights lesson on Thursday. So we are expecting to see;
  • your work on the blog
  • all of your models
  • your finished piece
  • you and your partner presenting your work, explaining your design ideas and decisions

You will not be allowed anymore class time on this project.

So today's objectives are;

  • To begin to understand about metals
  • To begin the new project!!!

The new project is all about packaging. This is a more 'graphics' based project and if you are efficient at Photoshop then it will be an advantage.

Product Identity

You are required to develop an existing piece of packaging and accompanying advertising poster for a chocolate of your choice.The aim of the assignment is to assist your understanding of the power of advertising and the affect it has on the consumer as well as developing your style to produce a quality graphic product.


End of the Second week-term2


You must produce an A3 poster for your product that includes the product name and slogan.You must produce a new style of packaging for your product that includes imagery, appropriate labelling and above all, ease of use.The final surface development must be produced using the laser cutter in conjunction with a standard laser printer.You must produce 3 pages of design work that demonstrates your design progress, from initial concepts through to your final concept.

You are required to post your design work on your personal blog.


  • 10 marks awarded for the quality of design work posted on your Blog.
  • 30 marks awarded for the completed packaging.
  • 10 marks awarded for the quality of the advertising poster.

Monday 27 September 2010


Hey all.

I’m not in today, sorry about that. However you still have plenty to do!!

By the end of Mrs Knights lesson on Thursday you must have finished all of the work. You need to post the following slides on your blog ready for me and Miss to mark.

  • Research into your chosen era/artist
  • Research into plastics
  • Initial ideas
  • Pro Desktop screen shots of your components and assembled chairs
  • Photos of your models to show your development
  • Photos of your finished design

You also need to hand your development models in and the finished piece.

During the lesson today you need to organise yourselves in order to complete all of the tasks. As long as Mr Simmons is in the room then you can use the laser cutter.

Me and Mrs Knight are both a little concerned that hardly any of you seem to be spending any of your free time down here in Technology. This is a huge concern for us, but as long as all the work above is submitted by 3pm on Thursday, there won’t be an issue.

Enjoy the lesson.

Mr Thomas

Monday 20 September 2010

Lesson Objectives

  • To continue with the design of your chairs
  • To begin to understand how to use Pro Desktop and in particular the process of 'assembling' a drawing
  • To understand how the laser cutter works!!!

PLTS in today's lesson:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You will begin the lesson by showing me the progress you have made on Pro Desktop so far. Although you are working as a team, you really should be both drawing your chair in Pro Desktop. This is to allow you both to get use to the crazy world of Pro Desktop and to understand how to use the laser cutter.

I will then go through how you can 'assemble' your chair. This is quite a complicated process, but an essential one never the less. Following this I will take you through the process of saving your components as a DXF file in order to cut it out on a laser cutter.

You will also be given a tutorial on how to use the laser cutter. You will need a paper and pen for this as you will need to write down the process. By the end of the project you should be able to use the laser cutter by yourself!!! Once you have recieved the tutorial on the laser cutter, you will be free to use it when you like (as long as there is a teacher in the room!!).

Me and Mrs Knight want to see at least four models of your chair. Each one should have a slight development and the final model should be like the one you will make out of plastic.

Any questions please ask!!!

In the famous words of Usher: Peace Out, A Town Down.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Lesson Objectives

  • To continue with the design of your chairs
  • To begin to understand how to use Pro Desktop!!
  • To draw up your ideas in separate component pieces
  • To understand about woods

PLTS in today's lesson:

Effective Participators= Try to stay calm and work with others to find a way forward

Self Managers= Think ahead so that you minimise problems

You will begin the lesson by showing your partners your initial ideas. I want you to discuss your ideas with one another and give your partner 3 improvement points about their initial ideas. Remember to try and be critical, whilst being positive!!!

I will then go through an introduction into Pro Desktop!! We will use some basic beginner exercises for those of you who can't use the program and those of you who are a little better at it can even begin to draw up your ideas. Those of you who have an idea of how to use the program please make every effort to help those who may not be so good at it.

At some point during the lesson we will also be having a theory lesson with Mr Simmons. The lesson will be about wood.

That's all for now folks,

Mr Thomas

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Lesson Objectives

  • To finish your 250 word report on a product you wished you'd never purchased
  • To look at the Design History Power Point
  • To choose an era of design that is going to influence the chair you are going to design
  • To create one page of research on the era and/or artist that is going to influence your design
  • To begin sketching some initial ideas for your chair

The pairs that you will be working in are as follows:

Nicole and Amie,
Alex, Anthony and Pete
Romy and Emma
Alex and Becky

Influence your designing!

Assignment 2

Many designers use an influence to guide their thinking and creativity. Theses influences can be taken from any form, however they mainly relate to the product being designed.

Antoni Gaudi 1852 - 1926

A fine example of influential design is that of the infamous Antoni Gaudi, who used forms, found in nature and incorporated these to create designs in buildings.

This assignment will help you understand that you’re not alone with your thoughts and that you should always look to use influence in your designing. Also it is equally important for you to have a good understanding of the History of Design and how the eras of design have steered the look and feel of every day life.

You are required to work as a pair to design and manufacture a concept model of a ‘scaled down’ child’s chair, influenced by a designer in an era of your choice.

The only specification is that you must design the chair so that it can be flat packed and be designed for the mass market.


You are required to produce a mini e-portfolio that demonstrates your understanding of the chosen designers work and the era in which he, she or even a group of designers worked in.

You must show how your concepts have been derived through the use of the influence.
You must create a CAD illustration as a virtual prototype.
You must display how you have used modelling to assist in your development of the design.

The concept model must be produced using 3mm Acrylic and should slot together with out the need of adhesive.


10 marks awarded for your design work and the influence used.
This must be posted on your Blog.
10 marks are awarded for the use of modelling.
10 marks are awarded for the quality of your CAD illustration.
10 marks are awarded for the use of the CAM.
10 marks are awarded for the team work and also the completed model.

Monday 6 September 2010

I should of never have purchased...

The I Phone 4!!! I love many things about the I Phone 4, it is easy to use, has great apps, a fantastic camera, great video quality and all round great functionality. Whereas, most of your articles will be complaining about how rubbish something works (function) in comparison to how good it looks (form), I am going to break the mould and complain about the form over the function. As previously stated, I love the functionality of the new I Phone. However , I do prefer, and by some distance, the form of the I Phone 3GS. I just think it feels a lot nicer than the newer 4. Its ‘curved’ back sits in your hand a lot easier than the square shape of the latest version and is a lot more ergonomically friendly. The square shape of the new phone can be awkward to grip and texting can be an issue.

I wouldn’t be without my I Phone 4 and the title of “I should of never have purchased...” is probably a little bit strong, but the fact of the matter is that I’m not happy with form of my new phone and prefer the shape of the older version. Unfortunately, we can’t always have what we want, how we like it, so I’ll have to put up and shut up.

Rant over.

Welcome, Welcome

Morning one and all. I am very pleased to welcome you to my Blog. I will be using this blog extensively during your time studying A Level Product Design. I will be posting what you should be achieving in my lessons, any cover work if I'm not in and boring things such as marking criteria’s etc, etc.

So your first task in Year 12 was to write a 250 word article on a product that you had wished you had never brought. The assignment is described in more detail below:

Assignment One

I should never have purchased!

You are required to write a 250 word article that explains your frustration towards a product that you wish you had never purchased.

Your article can be based on any product you wish. However there needs to be a focus on FORM V’s FUNCTION.

You are required to post your article on your personal blog.


10 marks awarded for quality of presentation of your Blog.
30 marks awarded for the quality of the article.
10 marks awarded for the quality of written communication.

I will then mark this via your blog by adding comments to your postings. This task needs to be finished by the end of tomorrow's lesson (7th September 2010).


Monday 25 January 2010

This could be a real drawing lesson!!!

Yes all.

Today's lesson is all about sketching!! You should be completing your initial ideas ready for Mr Simmons lesson on Thursday.

During the lesson today I will be coming to look at your ideas and giving you advice on how to improve your work etc. Your sketches should be full of detail, annotation and should have a little bit of colour. Even if you are doing a more 'graphic' based project, redesigning a logo, poster etc, you can still do initial ideas, see the image below for an example.

The images below show some good examples of sketching.

Monday 11 January 2010

Well, well, well, Jack Frost was indeed your friend last week ladies and gentleman, allowing you a few extra days grace to complete your research section. This should now be done and dusted and today we are moving on. I will be popping round during today's lesson to look at your research section and offering you some advice on how it may be improved.

So whats next???

Well, first of all we need to look at specifications. The specification should tell the examiner, in detail, exactly what your product will do and what your product will have. You may want to
write about the following points in your specification;
  • Function- What does your product need to do?
  • Size- Are there any restrictions? Can you specify the size at this stage?
  • Weight- Is this important? How will the user carry it?
  • Durability- How long will the product last? Will it be exposed to any conditions that may affect its performance?
  • Aesthetics- Does it need to match a particular style? Consider colour, form, proportion, pattern and texture
  • Materials- What materials will be used? Do they need to have any specific characteristics, such as being water proof or easy to clean?
  • Safety- The British Standards Institute produces guidelines for many products. http://www.bsi.org.uk/education
  • Cost- Is there a limit to your budget? Does your product need to compete with other similar products?
  • Manufacture- Does your product need to use any specific processes? What scale of production are you expecting your product to be manufactured on?
  • Packaging- Does your product need to be flat packed in order to transport? Do you need to include assembly instructions for its use? Does your product need to be protected?

During the lesson I will also be talking about sketching. This is going to be the introduction to you starting your initial ideas. Once your specification is written then you can begin these. Remember the examiners are looking for "Comprehensive, imaginative and feasible ideas".

The deadline for this next section is the 28th January 2010 (End of Simos lesson two weeks on Thursday.

That's all for now......

Monday 4 January 2010

Morning all and welcome to 2010. The next decade is a big one for you guys. It is possible that in this decade you will gain your A Levels, go to University, get a degree/s, get married, have children or buy a house!!!! Scary I know, but it just may happen......

Less of the sentimental rubbish and lets get back on with the work!!!!

The first thing I want us to do today is to mark someone elses work. The reason for me making you do this is to allow you to see how much you have done, or not done in some cases, in relation to your peers. You need to mark a persons work against the specification as stated in your As handbooks. Give your peers work a mark based on the progress they have made. This will allow them to see how much they need to do to get a improve their grade.

Remember that the official hand in date is the 7Th January (that is Thursday!!!!)

Once your work has been peer assessed then you may continue with the work in order to get it ready for the hand in on Thursday. The pages that me and Simmo are expecting to see are as follows;
  • Hyperlinked Contents Page
  • Analysing the situation (This should be your Situation, which is the 'background' information for you product, and your Design Brief)
  • Moodboard
  • Timeplan
  • Research Plan
  • Existing Products
  • User Data collated and analysed (this might come in the form of an interview with your client, emails which you have sent to your client or surveys you have carried out. The information you collect then needs to analysed)
  • Environment Research
  • Primary Materials
  • Research Analysis

Best of luck and we look forward to seeing your work on Thursday.